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Who is Yara Flor?

Who is Yara Flor?

Take a delve into what’s on a subscription customer’s very important, must-see, exciting big two pull list, and find out more on the newest Wonder Girl herself — Yara Flor.

Guest-Written By: Aimee Pask

As you probably know, Marvel and DC Comics (often referred to as the Big Two) publish a lot of comics monthly. That makes it so sometimes it can be difficult to pick and choose exactly what you want to pull each week. When you know what you like, sometimes you don’t want to leave your comfort zone and pick up a title that you’re worried you’re not going to enjoy.

Well, have no fear, from the eyes (well, specifically words) of a subscription customer at Sin City, here is a review of my current* top five pulls that stand out every month, and can encourage you to try to delve into something you might not have tried! Each review will help guide you onto where to start, so no matter if you’re a new reader** with us or not, you can enjoy whatever you like.

Additionally, the main topic of this post will be to introduce to you the latest (arguably, greatest) Wonder Girl — Yara Flor, and everything you need to know with an in-depth review.

*as of the week beginning 30/08/21
**JOP = Jumping On Point


W: Stephanie Phillips / A: Riley Rossmo/Laura Braga

In true Harley Quinn style, Phillips, and Rossmo (later Braga) create an iconic duo that brings Harley’s personality and humour front and centre by the use of unique art style and colours. Every turn is a fragment of Quinn’s mind and is refreshing to see the challenge of Harley delving down the ‘heroic’ path in her own fashion.

Focusing more on everyone’s favourite antihero’s psychology background, Phillips focuses on her characterization without straying from the character we all know and love on par with the dialogue.

Now, leading up to DC’s next event BATMAN: FEAR STATE, the team have easily hooked me as a reader onto finding out not only what’s next for Harley, but everyone’s favourite femme Fatales; Gotham City Sirens, especially in the issue (six) leading up to the event, which had the appearance of Catwoman (Selina Kyle) and showed us the witty relationship between the two women (with references to Harlivy, for any shippers out there).

Rating – 4/5, JOP – #7 28/09/21


W: Jed MacKay / A: C.F Villa 

A personal number one favourite of mine, MacKay has effortlessly managed to divide Felicia Hardy into an iconic Spider-Man love interest, while also still keeping her character to her own adventures and heists (of which are highly entertaining!).

With issue one taking place during the King In Black event, we loosely pick up on Black Cat’s loveable crew (issue four) where MacKay left off from the previous Black Cat solo run from 2019 (also a huge recommendation). This run delves into Felicia’s history and creates a depth to the character that has never been shown before, and makes you second guess how big Felicia is willing to go!

Constantly keeping you on your toes, Black Cat starts as an excellent example of street-level Marvel (Well… you’ll have to read the issue’s to find out how crazy Felicia is getting!) and with Villa, the art matches how intense Felicia can be. With beautiful line-art, stunning colours, and ambitious writing, Black Cat is a run for everyone!

Rating – 4/5, Finale – #10 29/09/21


W: Chip Zdarsky / A: Marco Checchotto/Mike Hawthorne

Talking about street-level Marvel, Daredevil is even better when you’re seeing double! That’s right, Elektra Natchios and Matthew Murdock come hand in hand while ‘Daredevil’ (Matt) is sent to jail under… Well, find out for yourself! Elektra promises Matt, who both have an intense amount of history together, that Hell’s Kitchen will be in good hands while he’s otherwise preoccupied. Dare I say Elektra outshines Matt in this instance, the art team suit up Natchios in her very own Daredevil costume as she fights crime, but also gives the reader the tense depiction between Matt and Elektra’s morals (something that has reoccurred between the two frequently in the past). With the current series ending at Issue 36 (but not to worry, Devil fans, we’ll see more in the NEW event ‘Devils Reign’!), Marvel continues to entice readers and to expect “Calamity is around the corner”, and in the fashionable ancient evil ninja-style: will Matt and Elektra have to fight to the death?! “Issue 36 is NOT an ending, it’s a beginning.” Chip Zdarsky states, and if that doesn’t entice you to pick this up — what will?! (If you loved Elektra in the show — pick this up!)

Rating – 5/5, Finale – #36 10/11/21, JOP – #31 30/06/21 (Rec Read #25-)


W: Kelly Thompson / A: Elena Casagrande 

After the much-anticipated release of Marvel Studios Black Widow, this run excellently demonstrates the relationship not only between Natasha and Yelena (or, ‘Natalia’, as Yelena would remind you) but of Nat’s bonds between crucial characters in her many years of history (Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes etc.). Starting at issue one, Thompson creates an absolutely genius way to connect to Natasha emotionally as she lives a fake life, while the real important relationships that Nat has established try to save her. Moreover, the further we explore the world around Nat, the more we realise how important the Black Widow really is as she uncovers something after a very emotional adventure. Words can’t describe the stunningly pleasing art by Casagrande, which is as important to telling Nat’s story and relationships as the writing. Thompson especially shines her street-level acumen as she did while writing Hawkeye, and each issue has you needing to know more of the complexity that is the Black Widow. 

Rating – 5/5, JOP – #11 15/09/21


W&A: Joelle Jones 

Now, onto the focus of this post! Yara Flor was introduced during DC’s event FUTURE STATE, which showed us a glimpse of what the DC Universe could look like, well, in the future. In her timeline, she is the new Wonder Woman in the absence of Princess Diana, although she is not from Themyscira: she’s originally from Brazil, living in Idaho before her prophesized return. In main continuity (Prime Earth) her very own solo run follows her journey (‘Homecoming’) through mystical artwork and astonishing writing. Jones and Yara herself bring a fresh addition into the Wonder Family and it is certainly a journey you do not want to miss. 

Rating – 5/5, JOP – #4 12/10/21


Spoilers ahead!


To start, we’re introduced to the beginning of the comic by stunning action and a wonderful palette of colours to juxtapose the introducing dialogue of a plane announcement. This continues onto the next several pages (without feeling repetitive) to give us an important look into Yara Flor’s origin. While the chaos and fighting remain front of the issue, the art style impeccably translates every emotion Yara is feeling as a young girl before we get interrupted to the present day. Continuing on through the comic, the lettering and art introduce us to Themyscira and the beginning of the prophecy. Still on the plane, in a visually stunning double page, Flor is surrounded by many iconic DC characters that really puts an emphasis on her introduction to Prime Earth (also pictured on the page — Nightwing holding a puppy, what’s not to love about that!). Throughout the issue, Yara’s beauty is highlighted through the art, while also displaying her good actions and really sets up a connection with the reader as she saves a civilian from an accident. The lettering in this issue is crucial, and I especially appreciate the music notes that corresponded with the water as it lurs Yara in. The final page of the issue gives us a stunning page with beautiful colours (courtesy of Jordie Bellaire) as it introduces us to the first arc of the series, ‘Homecoming’!


Picking up where Jones left off in issue one, the dialogue explains the Great Warrior Iara as she is pictured with the stunning artwork, telling us that she is the Protector of the Sacred Waters and Yara herself is prophesized (connecting to issue one)  to restore the balance of nature and the world of man. Her amazing power is shown through the artwork as she bursts full of energy and makes the reader recognise: This is Wonder Girl. Bringing in the realisation, Cassie Sandsmark (also known as Wonder Girl) volunteers to find Yara in an attempt to spare her life, but unfortunately Yara is faced against other Amazonia’s as she is declared a ‘danger’ against them. Ultimately, Artemis is also after Yara as we see her travelling across many places in Brazil, and both Cassie and her come to a confrontation as they were after the same person. The dialogue through this exchange remains true to both characters, with Cassie remarking how Artemis “Why? Can’t — you — banter… — and *irk* fight at the same time?”. Finally, towards the end of the issue, the art style remains as good as it started, along with the dialogue preparing to finish off for the next issue, while also leaving us with more to ponder. It introduces (reintroduces) Eros, God of physical love and sexual desire. Love is certainly cruel!


Straight into the action, the colouring really sets the tone between both scenes that are going on throughout the issue. While Yara is fighting and back in action, the cool tones complement the linework of the monsters and… talking evil crocodiles! The lettering sets apart each character’s intentions (no matter human, or otherwise monster) and when we cut back into ‘Elsewhere’, the colouring helps distinguish what’s going on for easy reading. Cassie and Artemis’ banter remains throughout the issue, which is a pleasant move by Jones to create a separate atmosphere from the other scenes. Eros appears once more to bring Yara with him, and we’re met with emotional panels as Yara is hit with one of his love arrows, and has to leave her friend behind (after much deliberation and reluctance). But, she promises she’d come back to him meanwhile Cassie and Artemis form a temporary team-up on the hunt for Yara. At the end of the issue, the colour palette is exceptionally pleasing as we’re introduced to Mount Olympus, and we also get to see Goddess Hera, who claims she has great plans for Yara Flor. This has left me on the edge of my seat! Overall, the entire series so far has shown us incredible artwork and in-depth writing, and I cannot wait to see what’s in store for Yara as her journey to being Wonder Girl is set out in front of her.

So, there we have it. My goal is that his post has encouraged you to take the risk, pick up something fantastic you normally wouldn’t consider, and also persuade you to become a subscription customer! If any of these take your fancy, as a sub-customer you get to reserve a copy, so you never miss out on anyone’s next big adventure. Happy reading!